
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Quotes by Deepak Doddamani

Quotes by Deepak Doddamani aka Deepbaazigar

Quotes by Deepbaazigar now on Wikiquote

  • The best thing about entrepreneurs is that they don't bother much about money; what they care about is - living in their dreams and converting them into reality.

  • When you respect your followers and consider their 'support' as 'leadership of their own consciousness', then it's a 'true leadership'

  • 'Experts' are the creatures who give you the same 'solution' with more 'confidence';Solutions which you have already 'thought of' but were confused about.

  • 'Money rolling' is what maximum financial services do; when they offer you double of your investments; But please understand; there is a limit to rolling and it can leave you rolling on your bed with tears.

  • Whenever you loose your path; just close your eyes and remember your mentors. You will be back on a track soon; because your mentors have 'Bird View' of your path.

  • Whenever any girl starts praising a boy; it's an alarm than she will dump her work on his shoulder. As for girls "Management is an Art of getting things done from Boys".

  • It took me more than a decade to realize that - you can motivate without demoralizing too. Positivity without negative words is more fruitful.

  • Of Course, 'Deepbaazigar' is not just a 'Pen name'; it's a brand created by a Narcissist called 'Deepak Doddamani'

  • It is important to track market regularly so as to decide, Right time to Enter and Right time to Exit.

  • Changing your portfolio within short span of time is equivalent to keep opening door of refrigerator on regular basis to check whether Ice cream is friezed or not

  • Believe it or not; the best way to learn 'Camera work' is - Watch the same movie again in mute mode.

  • The best consultant always prefers to give 'Apt solutions' rather than 'Best Advices'; because that's the only key for 'Customer satisfaction'.

  • In academics it is very easy to 'Rattofy' even a toughest subject just to clear the paper. But in career we have to go back & learn basic again, as it's all about'Applications'.

  • But in young age we don't share anything..we become 'Rebel' - to hide our'Inferiority complex'..and that's the only reason for most of the failures in premium institutes across India.

  • 'I know that Baba Ramdev doesn't even know the full form of FDI; but I completely agree with him that there is huge black money involved in FDI.'

  • I humbly refused their offer and smiled 'Why do people show Carrots to those who have diabetes?'

  • 'Reduce your losses and build-up your profits; Book losses at right time before they starts mounting-up'

  • Simple people are always genuine; the reverse may not be always true

  • Averaging of shares in falling Market is like digging your own grave; Averaging of Penny stock is equivalent to using JCB Machine for digging it at faster pace.

  • Myth: Life is too short to keep experimenting;Reality: Life is too long to afford to stop experimenting

  • Intraday trading is suitable for pessimistic people; Optimistic people must stick to delivery type of trading.

  • The most valuable asset of middle class people is their 'value system'.

  • Intellectuals always fail to gain power because they never understands that true power comes by having large number of loyal followers. They fail to establish heart to heart connections with their supporters as they always talk with brain and not by heart.

  • Market is 'UP' and your shares not gaining?? Gotcha; you are the same person who have girlfriend but she never allows you to touch her.

  • Whether it's a painful relationship or loss-making shares, you ought to get out of it before making any huge loss.

  • You must forgive your enemies, once your revenge is over.

  • History tells us that whenever an artist/writer/poet/academician abandoned his brush/pen to become warrior he used the most deadliest weapon - his brain

  • Live like a 'human being', even God has created to be one.

  • My heart says Editing is fun; my eyes and back don't agree with it

  • Harbhajan became 'Bhajji', Yuvraj became 'UV', Gautam became 'Gauti';But Virat can not become 'Viru', as there is only one Viru - Virendra Sehwag

  • Too much of 'religion' is injurious to the health of the Society

  • People say 'Quotes by Deepbaazigar' are unique; I say 'Deepbaazigar' himself is unique

  • If people misunderstands you,try to understand their 'misunderstandings',if you really care for them

  • Revolutions starts with en-lighted souls but become successful due to agitated minds.

  • Action starts when we start empathizing for victims.'Sympathy' can move your 'hearts',but not your 'souls'

  • You can compromise in 'love', but never compromise for 'love',As true love never asks for compromises.

  • 'Bootstrapping' for entrepreneurs is same like the 'last arrow' in archers quiver.That's the 'full-n-final' chance to win the battle !!

  • Rest of my life, I will work only for those organizations whose owner will be Mr. Deepak Doddamani, that is 4 sure !!!

  • Visit temples in India with 'faith' in heart and 'eye' 4 an art.Truly incredible ! Life is carved on every piece of stone

  • My opinions are 'my opinions', and I am happy that 'my opinions' are my 'own opinions'

  • Remember, 'Investment' is not a 'gambling',it's an art of 'wealth management'.

  • Sometime it doesn't matter whether your decision is 'RIGHT' or 'WRONG',what matters is how 'FIRM' is your decision.

  • Never try to change the person whom you love, else the person will change (replace) you.

  • Mathematics is never 'right' when it comes to love. Because when 'A' loves 'B', and 'B' loves 'C'..'A' and 'C' hate each other

  • Power' does not means 'influencing' people.If you can even 'control' the people whom you can't influence.Then its 'Power'

  • Remember, everything is fair in love and war and entrepreneurs are warriors who love their dreams

  • Don't tell us to change our passwords regularly, tell them not to hack

  • 'Inferioriority Complex' is a self-created meaningless phase of mind which can be overcomed by diverting your mind and thinking positively.

  • The bad thing about 'Artists' is they don't know how to market their 'art', the worse thing that they don't generally accept this fact and the worst thing that they are too possessive to trust other marketers who offer them helping hands

  • Voracious readers can never become good Writers as they can not develop their own thinking power (methodology) and end up being 'Compilers' and not true writers.

  • People stare at me when I madly and passionately speak about my dreams. They just laugh and pass. And I forget completely that no one is listening to me and I keep constantly talking like an idiot to world and to myself. Perhaps dreams have become reason of my survival.

  • All visionaries are dreamers; but not all dreamers are visionaries.All showmen know how to sell dreams,but very few dream-sellers become showmen. But all visionaries can sell their dreams irrespective of what logical deduction says

  • When Ego accelerates with much faster rate than development of brain; Success starts running away with full speed

  • Dictatorship can be effectively used to stop the politics in the organizations. But it sows the seeds of unrest & is also harmful to the health of organization in long term.

  • A leader should always care for those team members who are willing to give 100% to his team rather than wasting time to convince egoistic individual who doesn't value 'teamwork'

  • When People Trust me Blindly, I never breach their faith; but once they start taking me for granted I take them on ride.Because I hate people who take me for granted

  • A 'Miser' always tries to earn money from whatever knowledge he gains or whatever skills he possesses. He never realizes the wealth of self-improvement through education

  • Be Useful to others..No harm in That..But don't get used by others

  • When Twitter loads slowly, it reminds me of 'Dial-up' era

  • Make whatever mistakes you want to do in 'net practise itself',because in big games you can't afford to do any.

  • In entertainment field customers always wants 'something different' and entertainers should always be ready to give that 'something different'.

  • Yes,you got it right. I fall in a category of 'Opinion leaders' or 'Influencers' on Social Networking sites. I promote brands which are worth promoting & I am happy that 'deepbaazigar' is amongst that brands.

  • If you lose all your money in share market, don't lose hope. Just pack your bags and go to Himalayas. (Applicable for people who trade intra day without stop loss)

  • Let them think about double integration/ triple intergration,I always think about backward intergration/ forward integration

  • It's easy to become 'Self-employed' but tough to become an 'entrepreneur'

  • 'It will affect your Marks, choice is yours' - Use this line when student don't put efforts in studies. Because in India majority of students study for 'Marks'; & not for gaining knowledge.

  • Before sleeping everyday, I pray to God. - Whenever I will Open my eyes I must see Sunrise only from my motherland, my country and I should find myself with my family, my people.

  • EEE - Education, Entertainment & E-Commerce - future of Entrepreneurship in India.

  • Be USEFUL to others, no harm in that, but don't get USED by others.

  • I find myself 'wise' when I come up with 'stupid' quotes on wisdom

  • Some people realize that they have brains in their heads; only after putting thinking caps on

  • There are only two sides of our reality; one that we see & two that we don't want to see.

  • A leader gets charged by the support of his followers but when he is left all alone; his back-up power is his self-motivation.

  • Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak was known as 'The father of Indian Unrest' during Britishraj for the same work which 'Arvind Kejriwal' is doing in today's Congressraj.

  • Only knowing that 'Death' is the 'final destination' will not help you. It's realization helps change your entire perspective towards 'life' and you strive to make it more meaningful.

  • When you call someone rebel, first understand the reasons behind it. Don't be in a hurry to give doses without even diagnosing.

  • 'If you have any sort of confusion; be calm, take a break, think calmly on it and choose the right alternative with brain. But if you have any ethical dilemma you must listen to your heart.Your conscientiousness hardly allows any ethical lapse'.

  • 'Bad Phases' exists only for Business People.For Entrepreneurs there are only 'Temporary Setbacks'

  • We are lucky enough to be born in a democratic country like India & we must all respect our freedom of expression with great responsibility

  • People with 'Mood Swings' should never try to become Entrepreneur. They not only ruin their Organization but also the life of people who trust them. They are fit to work as employees where employers set rules & restrictions on them

  • Whatever goes up; comes down. But intra-day trader earns in falling market also, so nothing matters.

  • 'Fame' without 'Money' is like a bulb without electricity, it can give you only 'hope' but not the actual 'light'

  • They say 'Politics' is bad. But they always do Politics in life; knowingly or unknowingly. 'Politics' is played everywhere. In home, in school, in college, in offices...everywhere. No one is apolitical. No one.

  • In India,to get any Government work done if 'patience' is the key then 'Money' is the 'Masterkey'

  • Bungee jumping without elastic cord, Skydiving without Parachutes and Scuba diving without scuba sets: are examples of suicides and not risk appetites of people. Similarly Entrepreneurs should understand the difference between suicide and risk. They must take risks but should not commit suicide.

  • It clearly shows that like - for film-makers audiences are more important than critics or fellow film makers; for writers - readers are more important that reviewers or fellow writers.

  • Job Offer letter without even appearing for interview is like a getting a girlfriend without even proposal.. both are scams

  • If you are rich; you need not prove it by wearing ironed underwear.Remember, even the richest person on this earth has to die one day.

  • I fear, Media will make 'Arjun Tendulkar'; another 'Rohan Gavaskar'. It's such a tough task to grow under shadows of biggest trees

  • To whichever Religion they belong to; extremists are Cancer of Society

  • If Sachin Tendulkar is God of Cricket; the A R Rehman is God of Music

  • Social Activist Arvind Kejariwal became Politician; Never mind whether it's Baseball or Cricket you just have to hit the ball as hard as possible; time will teach you rules anyhow

  • People 'KNOW' that corruption eats their hard earned money; but they don't seems to be REALIZING it.

  • Never do traditional businesses in traditional ways

  • The process of 'Change' starts once you start challenging the status-quo.You can change your life; if you determine to do so !

  • If you are not doing any 'sustainable business'; you are just wasting your time.It's always better to take up a good job if your business doesn't fulfill the criteria of 'sustainability'.

  • If you are pass out from premium institutes of India, and you are doing anything less than entrepreneurship; you have just wasted one most important seat.

  • Laws are very complicated and if your lawyer doesn't explain them to you in simple language then those laws become rocket science for you. But unfortunately all lawyers are expert in frightening the clients without any reason.

  • In India you will be remembered as 'Social Entrepreneur' only after winning Ramon Magasaysay award. Thats' such a difficult criteria, right?

  • I am always genuine with genuine people and manipulated with manipulated people. That implies that I am a Manipulated person who has genuine heart, Is my logic correct?

  • One should promote his/her work and let his/her work promote him/her.Because if you will do other way round you will be left all alone to praise your own work

  • KYC documents are much more important than your marriage certificate because if you lose KYC docs; you will lose your Identity and if you loose your Marriage certificate you will regain your identity.

  • We are all 'Social Animals', but the real success lies in becoming 'Social human being'

  • If you are married with your first ever love; and if you have profession which was your first ever passion; and still if you are not successful in both personal & professional life; then you are a challenging case-study for God himself

  •  There are only three types of rebels.     One - who can actually lead; Two - who thinks they can lead and Three - who dream to become leader 

  •  If you are married with your first ever love; and if you have profession which was your first ever passion; and still if you are not successful in both personal & professional life; then you are a challenging case-study for God himself 

  •  It will be interesting to find out how many PETA activists are actually really non-vegetarians and don't eat Meat or Chicken at all  :) 

  •  When someone cuts your wings, And you are not able to fly anymore. You must thank that person For making you realize that You are a human being and you mustn't have wings in first place. 

  • Cable connection without Set Top Box is equivalent to Life without Love; ekdum useless

  •  No; we are not puppets with the strings in the hands of God. We are all Kites in the sky, with threads in the almighty's hands. He wants us all to fly, high up in the sky freely...But, we are the ones who cut each other's threads & push them on the ground.

  • When any relationship fails completely, it's always better to separate with dignity rather than playing blame game and regretting about it 

  •   The living legend Barack Obama gets re-elected as President of United States of America for the second time 

  •   Hopefully, he will not follow footsteps of our Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh for second term. Both of them have really good first term

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